CMS Document 11532-v2
CMS Physics Masterclass - Resources in English for CMS Collaboration
- Document #:
- CMS-doc-11532-v2
- Document type:
- Other
- Submitted by:
- Marzena Lapka
- Updated by:
- Marzena Lapka
- Document Created:
- 23 Oct 2012, 14:55
- Contents Revised:
- 20 Mar 2014, 09:46
- Metadata Revised:
- 23 Feb 2015, 14:48
Viewable by:
- Public document
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Quick Links:
Latest Version
11 Feb 2014, 15:04 |
- Abstract:
- Sample presentations for organizers and mentors to prepare CMS Physics Masterclass.
- Files in Document:
- MasterClass2014_measurement_EN.pdf (2.9 MB)
- MasterClass2014_measurement_EN.pptx (1.5 MB)
- 2014 changes in instructions (wzh_changes.doc, 834.0 kB)
- Exercise instructions to be given to students- jpsi (CMScheat_jpsi.doc, 1.5 MB)
- Exercise instructions to be given to students- wz (CMScheat_wz.doc, 1.5 MB)
- Intro to Masterclass Exercise - WZ (S.Beauceron, 2012) (Introduction_Exercise_EN_MasterClasses_new.pptx, 7.8 MB)
- Intro to Physics, CERN, LHC, CMS and Masterclass Exercise (D.Barney, 2011) (CollidingHelicopters_EN_190212.pptx, 40.1 MB)
- Tutorial given to CMS (IntroductionCMSMasterClasses.pptx, 8.5 MB)
- Topics:
- Authors:
- Notes and Changes:
- CMS masterclass documentation 2015: